Thursday, July 21, 2011

America's Conservative News: Obama's Social Security Horror Movie

America's Conservative News: Obama's Social Security Horror Movie: "By Jason Mattera VIDEO: Watch the President's top budget aide dodge an explanation of how seniors' checks are safe and so..."

America Wake Up, our government,Republican and Democrat alike, led by Obama is a cesspool of lies and deception.

Why would Obama lie about Social Security may not send the seniors their checks. Social Security is a trust fund( how much money is Obama giving away to foreign aid from the trust fund)? Has he spent so much money that he has put the trust fund in danger! We need to have an investigation of what the government is doing with our money.

They receive income tax to pay the bill, Republicans want to cut tax and who will pay for the wars, they are forcing the trust fund to go broke by using our trust fund money instead of raising tax to pay for what they started based on lies and deception.. No one wants high tax, why did you vote for wars that was a lie and damaged this nation and then lower tax so it can not be paid for. People wake up even a 3rd grader know this is dumb!

Why is Boenher and Cantor attacking Senior Citizen when Social secury has billion, and the government owes the trust trillion. Perhaps that is why the republicans want to destroy Social Security because they owe it trillion of dollars.

To set the record straight for polticians and the media, Social Security is not an entitilment, it is a trust fund like the 401k, the employee pays 6.5% in the the trust fund which is the FICa and the employer matches it.

Social Security was good for the next 39 years until Speaker Boehner reduced it down to 20 years, the first thing he did was get Obama in a position to let him cut the FICA which save the corportation billions!

This is not only a national disgrace it is a world disgrace and the names of the people need to be remember by every person in the world to make sure they never hold office again.

We have over 70 million seniors, millions of veterans,members of the tea party, count their family and the family members you are looking at a couple of hundred million voters! People you know what to do clean house!,@ world news today,, Tea Party World and tea Party of Tennessee., world news today,

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