Elitist Rove Suffers After Tea Party Jihad, Carl Rove was behind the extortion to shut down Gov. Wake up America in both parties, all of the snakes have false sites to collect money, make sure before you give who is really behind the person and groups collecting for pushing political agendas.
Fortunately as they say, that was then and this is now. Rove’s fake operation has been seen for what it is by donors across the country. In a year to year (2012 to 2013) comparison, his Crossroads groups have experienced a message-sending
98% decrease in donations. His take has fallen to just $6.1 million.
Breitbart News reports, “Rove’s organization has been so tarnished among the conservative base that candidates fear donors will not contribute to any group associated with him.” But a warning is attached to this message: This snake slithers into other groups not carrying his name in order to fool donors about who they really are.
Remember, Karl Rove is a driving force behind amnesty for illegal aliens. He used to say he held this position because he believed illegals would become Republican voters. It is this kind of cynical, lying crap that makes Tokyo Rove so detestable. Find out who is behind any group you want to donate to because Rove might just be hiding in one of its darkest corners.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/happens-declare-war-tea-party/#IzRXdJ2xD3rXjbSA.99Fortunately as they say, that was then and this is now. Rove’s fake operation has been seen for what it is by donors across the country. In a year to year (2012 to 2013) comparison, his Crossroads groups have experienced a message-sending
98% decrease in donations. His take has fallen to just $6.1 million.
Breitbart News reports, “Rove’s organization has been so tarnished among the conservative base that candidates fear donors will not contribute to any group associated with him.” But a warning is attached to this message: This snake slithers into other groups not carrying his name in order to fool donors about who they really are.
Remember, Karl Rove is a driving force behind amnesty for illegal aliens. He used to say he held this position because he believed illegals would become Republican voters. It is this kind of cynical, lying crap that makes Tokyo Rove so detestable. Find out who is behind any group you want to donate to because Rove might just be hiding in one of its darkest corners.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/happens-declare-war-tea-party/#IzRXdJ2xD3rXjbSA.99Instead, the loathsome snake took the money and declared an open war on the TEA party movement. His fake Conservative Victory Project wasted money encouraging Republican candidates to change their language and in effect lie to voters about whom they were and act like Democrats. All this quisling succeeded in doing was ensuring that Harry Reid still controlled the Senate and could continue choking the life out of conservative initiatives.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/happens-declare-war-tea-party/#IzRXdJ2xD3rXjbSA.99Instead, the loathsome snake took the money and declared an open war on the TEA party movement. His fake Conservative Victory Project wasted money encouraging Republican candidates to change their language and in effect lie to voters about whom they were and act like Democrats. All this quisling succeeded in doing was ensuring that Harry Reid still controlled the Senate and could continue choking the life out of conservative initiatives.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/happens-declare-war-tea-party/#IzRXdJ2xD3rXjbSA.99
It may just be the reason the liberals are beating the snot out of us. We keep donating to their cause.
Then you have a person that writes articles, assumed to have researched the topic to be able to make accusations, which probably are true (Carl Rove was the progressive mastermind behind Bush II) but doesn’t supply the most important information that could sever the cash flow, but that would make too much sense.
My advice is to directly donate to candidates you like and ignore the organizations that “distribute” money to “worthwhile” candidates.
I believe that the voters should select the candidates and not any group who claims to “represent’ the voters.
Then the way he swift-boated Kerry in ’04 made me ashamed of the whole election process. His kind of person leaves a smell that pervades the entire party that is made of honest Americans.
Just as baffling as the recent actions of the jello-spined speaker of the house, are the vicious, malicious, anti-American activities of Rove.
Both work for globalism