Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

February 26, 2014 By

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

The Republican Party is hanging by a thread.

As a long overdue, all-out civil war erupts, and the grassroots mounts an unprecedented effort to unseat many party establishment figures in the primaries, nobody in the GOP seems satisfied with the status quo. The ruling class is having a typical ruling class reaction to the insurgency—sneering condescension. Meanwhile, the grassroots wants the ruling class to go at all costs. Both sides are like a dysfunctional marriage that claims they’re nobly staying together for the kids, which usually means they’re only sticking around until a better deal comes along.

The establishment showed in last year’s Virginia governor’s race they’ll side with Democrats if they don’t get their way in the primary. At the same, as the grassroots watches GOP leadership betray them almost every day that ends in “y,” fewer and fewer of them are lamenting Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 election. Instead, they’re starting to think he would’ve just treated them the same shoddy way John Boehner and Ditch McConnell do, with scorn and contempt.

But while the party seems besieged on every side, there is one issue in particular that threatens to undo it once and for all. Because this issue is an existential threat to the base of the Republican Party its leadership seems to loathe every bit as much as the Left does.

That issue is the intersection of the sexual revolution and religious liberty.

Much of the Republican Party base remains God-fearing, salt-of-the-earth patriots who likely attend some form of an orthodox Judeo-Christian worship service on a regular basis. They represent the demographic that made the Reagan Revolution possible. Prior to the formation of what became known as the “Religious Right,” the GOP was largely a northeastern WASP minority party of country club Republicans. After Eisenhower left office the party wandered in the desert until Nixon upset Humphrey in 1968, but Nixon’s later fall from grace left the party circling the drain. It couldn’t even beat a peanut farmer for president.

Reagan arrived on the scene backed by national defense hawks and anti-tax/pro-growth conservatives. The national defense hawks brought the prestige, and the anti-tax/pro-growth conservatives brought the big checks, but it was the alliance of the Catholic Paul Weyrich and the evangelical Jerry Falwell into what became known as the “Moral Majority” that provided the numbers. Prior to this mobilization, evangelicals were hardly a political force. Most of them were waiting for Hal Lindsey’s prediction Jesus would return in 1988 to come true. On the other hand, Catholics rarely voted Republican. Many of them were working class immigrants. Plus, the first Catholic president had been a Democrat, and much of LBJ’s “Great Society” fell in line with other aspects of Catholic social teaching.

But then January 22nd, 1973 happened.

That was the day of the most wicked decree in the history of this constitutional republic. That was the day the U.S. Supreme Court imposed child sacrifice on America via Roe v. Wade. Confronted with the resurrected demonic spirit of Moloch, the church of Jesus Christ became politically mobilized. The Catholics first entered the fray, followed by the evangelicals. They soon became the most feared force in American politics, and the third and largest leg of Reagan’s famous “three-legged stool.” They provided the worker bees, the activists, and the sort of energy money can’t buy.

Despite the fact they were the demographic that made the Reagan Revolution possible, little by little this faction was pushed to the background by party bosses ashamed of their old school values. Nevertheless, regardless of every snub and every slight, as the years went by this was always the GOP’s most reliable vote.

Yet now that base is growing older and is being replaced by a more confrontational yet cynical generation. A generation that recoils at the mere mention of “the lesser of two evils.” A generation that wants a bigger fight than securing Republican majorities, who rarely deliver on their promises anyway. A generation that views fighting for the old alliances as akin to re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. A generation that isn’t even sure political activism makes a difference.

Several of the most podcasted evangelical preachers in America today abstain from political activism. They believe the antidote to avoid being taken advantage of by the political system (like they believe the previous generation was) is to simply preach the Gospel and let the chips fall come what may.

This is my generation.

We have been uncertain whether to build on the legacy of our forefathers, or to hit control-alt-delete. My generation is producing leaders on both sides who make a compelling case. However, the argument is fast becoming moot, for the final latch on the sexual revolution’s Pandora’s Box has been opened.

The mainstreaming of homosexuality, and the use of government coercion to make it so, provides the American Christian Church with its most ominous threat since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. This is an issue that makes all other issues secondary, even the life issue. For if we are not free to speak truth to power in this culture we are effectively as powerless as many of our brethren meeting in secret to avoid persecution elsewhere in the world.

True, Christ promised even the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. Not even the full power and might of the U.S. government can stand in the way of God’s grace. Just look at statist China, which has the second-fastest growing Christian population in the world. Furthermore, five of the top 10 fastest growing Christian populations in the world are in Muslim countries.

While that’s obviously good news for people’s souls, and empirical evidence Christ is true to his word, government and cultural oppression of Christianity in these countries means the benefits we have enjoyed due to our Christian heritage are still nowhere to be found in these nations. Unless you actually connected with Christians in these countries, you would see very little of the fruit Christianity produces in the culture it’s truly planted in—justice, rule of law, morality, liberty, meritocracy, mercy, etc.

In Christianity the “church” is not just an institution or a building. The “church” is wherever believers are—work, home, school, public functions, etc. A Christian believes he brings God’s Holy Spirit (church) with him wherever he goes, thus he must always have a ready testimony for the hope he has in Christ. A Christian is taught he is not allowed to refuse a public proclamation of his faith in Christ, for Christ did not deny us when he publicly submitted to a brutal beating and execution on our behalf. A Christian is taught if he denies Christ in any setting – even politics or a NFL team locker room – then Christ will deny him in turn on the Day of Judgment.

A Christian is allowed to assimilate into a culture, but he cannot affirm it. He is in the culture, but not of the culture. If those pushing the sexual revolution to its most dangerous conclusions persist on their current collision course with history, they will force the Christian Church to give up all of its other various pursuits in order to defend the very integrity of its existence—even to the point of civil disobedience as we have seen previously in church history.

Similarly, if the Republican Party persists on abandoning its base of social conservatives immersed in this fight, it is essentially self-immolating for it cannot make up the numbers lost here elsewhere. The so-called “Facebook generation” of youthful nihilists Rand Paul frequently trumpets still pales in comparison to the number of Christian voters. For example, Rick Santorum got twice as many primary votes as Ron Paul did in 2012, and Newt Gingrich got almost 750,000 more. It’s going to take several decades of breeding for the church of “bread-alone” patriots to overcome their current demographic deficit, and in case you hadn’t noticed the home-schoolers are having more kids than the “legalize it” (marijuana) crowd is anyway.

If Christians cannot count on their political allies to defend their freedoms, then they will not waste their time with politics. They won’t have the luxury of doing so. There’s a reason Christians in China and the Middle East aren’t concerned with political activism. They can’t afford to be. They’re still fighting to exist.

When the government comes knocking on your door demanding you sin on its behalf or be silenced, at that moment you’re not thinking about whether you think marriage should be defined at the state level, or via a federal marriage amendment, or if government should get out of marriage altogether (a frequent and current debate among Republicans). You’re thinking about survival.

Speaking of which, the Republican Party cannot survive the loss of these voters, whether it be from a voluntary or a forced exodus. It’s no coincidence a party built on Christian ethics is strongest where the Christian church is also strongest (Republicans are twice as likely to go to church regularly as Democrats).

From the beginning the statists have used the sexual revolution as a means to first destabilize Christian moral influence in the culture, and then once that destabilization takes root to then marginalize the Christian Church from public life altogether. For the Christian Church has always been the only real threat statism has. If the Republican Party will not defend its Christian base against the statists, then it will be one of the first casualties of statism.

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

February 26, 2014 By

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

The Republican Party is hanging by a thread.

As a long overdue, all-out civil war erupts, and the grassroots mounts an unprecedented effort to unseat many party establishment figures in the primaries, nobody in the GOP seems satisfied with the status quo. The ruling class is having a typical ruling class reaction to the insurgency—sneering condescension. Meanwhile, the grassroots wants the ruling class to go at all costs. Both sides are like a dysfunctional marriage that claims they’re nobly staying together for the kids, which usually means they’re only sticking around until a better deal comes along.

The establishment showed in last year’s Virginia governor’s race they’ll side with Democrats if they don’t get their way in the primary. At the same, as the grassroots watches GOP leadership betray them almost every day that ends in “y,” fewer and fewer of them are lamenting Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 election. Instead, they’re starting to think he would’ve just treated them the same shoddy way John Boehner and Ditch McConnell do, with scorn and contempt.

But while the party seems besieged on every side, there is one issue in particular that threatens to undo it once and for all. Because this issue is an existential threat to the base of the Republican Party its leadership seems to loathe every bit as much as the Left does.

That issue is the intersection of the sexual revolution and religious liberty.

Much of the Republican Party base remains God-fearing, salt-of-the-earth patriots who likely attend some form of an orthodox Judeo-Christian worship service on a regular basis. They represent the demographic that made the Reagan Revolution possible. Prior to the formation of what became known as the “Religious Right,” the GOP was largely a northeastern WASP minority party of country club Republicans. After Eisenhower left office the party wandered in the desert until Nixon upset Humphrey in 1968, but Nixon’s later fall from grace left the party circling the drain. It couldn’t even beat a peanut farmer for president.

Reagan arrived on the scene backed by national defense hawks and anti-tax/pro-growth conservatives. The national defense hawks brought the prestige, and the anti-tax/pro-growth conservatives brought the big checks, but it was the alliance of the Catholic Paul Weyrich and the evangelical Jerry Falwell into what became known as the “Moral Majority” that provided the numbers. Prior to this mobilization, evangelicals were hardly a political force. Most of them were waiting for Hal Lindsey’s prediction Jesus would return in 1988 to come true. On the other hand, Catholics rarely voted Republican. Many of them were working class immigrants. Plus, the first Catholic president had been a Democrat, and much of LBJ’s “Great Society” fell in line with other aspects of Catholic social teaching.

But then January 22nd, 1973 happened.

That was the day of the most wicked decree in the history of this constitutional republic. That was the day the U.S. Supreme Court imposed child sacrifice on America via Roe v. Wade. Confronted with the resurrected demonic spirit of Moloch, the church of Jesus Christ became politically mobilized. The Catholics first entered the fray, followed by the evangelicals. They soon became the most feared force in American politics, and the third and largest leg of Reagan’s famous “three-legged stool.” They provided the worker bees, the activists, and the sort of energy money can’t buy.

Despite the fact they were the demographic that made the Reagan Revolution possible, little by little this faction was pushed to the background by party bosses ashamed of their old school values. Nevertheless, regardless of every snub and every slight, as the years went by this was always the GOP’s most reliable vote.

Yet now that base is growing older and is being replaced by a more confrontational yet cynical generation. A generation that recoils at the mere mention of “the lesser of two evils.” A generation that wants a bigger fight than securing Republican majorities, who rarely deliver on their promises anyway. A generation that views fighting for the old alliances as akin to re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. A generation that isn’t even sure political activism makes a difference.

Several of the most podcasted evangelical preachers in America today abstain from political activism. They believe the antidote to avoid being taken advantage of by the political system (like they believe the previous generation was) is to simply preach the Gospel and let the chips fall come what may.

This is my generation.

We have been uncertain whether to build on the legacy of our forefathers, or to hit control-alt-delete. My generation is producing leaders on both sides who make a compelling case. However, the argument is fast becoming moot, for the final latch on the sexual revolution’s Pandora’s Box has been opened.

The mainstreaming of homosexuality, and the use of government coercion to make it so, provides the American Christian Church with its most ominous threat since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. This is an issue that makes all other issues secondary, even the life issue. For if we are not free to speak truth to power in this culture we are effectively as powerless as many of our brethren meeting in secret to avoid persecution elsewhere in the world.

True, Christ promised even the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. Not even the full power and might of the U.S. government can stand in the way of God’s grace. Just look at statist China, which has the second-fastest growing Christian population in the world. Furthermore, five of the top 10 fastest growing Christian populations in the world are in Muslim countries.

While that’s obviously good news for people’s souls, and empirical evidence Christ is true to his word, government and cultural oppression of Christianity in these countries means the benefits we have enjoyed due to our Christian heritage are still nowhere to be found in these nations. Unless you actually connected with Christians in these countries, you would see very little of the fruit Christianity produces in the culture it’s truly planted in—justice, rule of law, morality, liberty, meritocracy, mercy, etc.

In Christianity the “church” is not just an institution or a building. The “church” is wherever believers are—work, home, school, public functions, etc. A Christian believes he brings God’s Holy Spirit (church) with him wherever he goes, thus he must always have a ready testimony for the hope he has in Christ. A Christian is taught he is not allowed to refuse a public proclamation of his faith in Christ, for Christ did not deny us when he publicly submitted to a brutal beating and execution on our behalf. A Christian is taught if he denies Christ in any setting – even politics or a NFL team locker room – then Christ will deny him in turn on the Day of Judgment.

A Christian is allowed to assimilate into a culture, but he cannot affirm it. He is in the culture, but not of the culture. If those pushing the sexual revolution to its most dangerous conclusions persist on their current collision course with history, they will force the Christian Church to give up all of its other various pursuits in order to defend the very integrity of its existence—even to the point of civil disobedience as we have seen previously in church history.

Similarly, if the Republican Party persists on abandoning its base of social conservatives immersed in this fight, it is essentially self-immolating for it cannot make up the numbers lost here elsewhere. The so-called “Facebook generation” of youthful nihilists Rand Paul frequently trumpets still pales in comparison to the number of Christian voters. For example, Rick Santorum got twice as many primary votes as Ron Paul did in 2012, and Newt Gingrich got almost 750,000 more. It’s going to take several decades of breeding for the church of “bread-alone” patriots to overcome their current demographic deficit, and in case you hadn’t noticed the home-schoolers are having more kids than the “legalize it” (marijuana) crowd is anyway.

If Christians cannot count on their political allies to defend their freedoms, then they will not waste their time with politics. They won’t have the luxury of doing so. There’s a reason Christians in China and the Middle East aren’t concerned with political activism. They can’t afford to be. They’re still fighting to exist.

When the government comes knocking on your door demanding you sin on its behalf or be silenced, at that moment you’re not thinking about whether you think marriage should be defined at the state level, or via a federal marriage amendment, or if government should get out of marriage altogether (a frequent and current debate among Republicans). You’re thinking about survival.

Speaking of which, the Republican Party cannot survive the loss of these voters, whether it be from a voluntary or a forced exodus. It’s no coincidence a party built on Christian ethics is strongest where the Christian church is also strongest (Republicans are twice as likely to go to church regularly as Democrats).

From the beginning the statists have used the sexual revolution as a means to first destabilize Christian moral influence in the culture, and then once that destabilization takes root to then marginalize the Christian Church from public life altogether. For the Christian Church has always been the only real threat statism has. If the Republican Party will not defend its Christian base against the statists, then it will be one of the first casualties of statism.

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

February 26, 2014 By

The Issue That Could Finish Off the Republican Party

The Republican Party is hanging by a thread.

As a long overdue, all-out civil war erupts, and the grassroots mounts an unprecedented effort to unseat many party establishment figures in the primaries, nobody in the GOP seems satisfied with the status quo. The ruling class is having a typical ruling class reaction to the insurgency—sneering condescension. Meanwhile, the grassroots wants the ruling class to go at all costs. Both sides are like a dysfunctional marriage that claims they’re nobly staying together for the kids, which usually means they’re only sticking around until a better deal comes along.

The establishment showed in last year’s Virginia governor’s race they’ll side with Democrats if they don’t get their way in the primary. At the same, as the grassroots watches GOP leadership betray them almost every day that ends in “y,” fewer and fewer of them are lamenting Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 election. Instead, they’re starting to think he would’ve just treated them the same shoddy way John Boehner and Ditch McConnell do, with scorn and contempt.

But while the party seems besieged on every side, there is one issue in particular that threatens to undo it once and for all. Because this issue is an existential threat to the base of the Republican Party its leadership seems to loathe every bit as much as the Left does.

That issue is the intersection of the sexual revolution and religious liberty.

Much of the Republican Party base remains God-fearing, salt-of-the-earth patriots who likely attend some form of an orthodox Judeo-Christian worship service on a regular basis. They represent the demographic that made the Reagan Revolution possible. Prior to the formation of what became known as the “Religious Right,” the GOP was largely a northeastern WASP minority party of country club Republicans. After Eisenhower left office the party wandered in the desert until Nixon upset Humphrey in 1968, but Nixon’s later fall from grace left the party circling the drain. It couldn’t even beat a peanut farmer for president.

Reagan arrived on the scene backed by national defense hawks and anti-tax/pro-growth conservatives. The national defense hawks brought the prestige, and the anti-tax/pro-growth conservatives brought the big checks, but it was the alliance of the Catholic Paul Weyrich and the evangelical Jerry Falwell into what became known as the “Moral Majority” that provided the numbers. Prior to this mobilization, evangelicals were hardly a political force. Most of them were waiting for Hal Lindsey’s prediction Jesus would return in 1988 to come true. On the other hand, Catholics rarely voted Republican. Many of them were working class immigrants. Plus, the first Catholic president had been a Democrat, and much of LBJ’s “Great Society” fell in line with other aspects of Catholic social teaching.

But then January 22nd, 1973 happened.

That was the day of the most wicked decree in the history of this constitutional republic. That was the day the U.S. Supreme Court imposed child sacrifice on America via Roe v. Wade. Confronted with the resurrected demonic spirit of Moloch, the church of Jesus Christ became politically mobilized. The Catholics first entered the fray, followed by the evangelicals. They soon became the most feared force in American politics, and the third and largest leg of Reagan’s famous “three-legged stool.” They provided the worker bees, the activists, and the sort of energy money can’t buy.

Despite the fact they were the demographic that made the Reagan Revolution possible, little by little this faction was pushed to the background by party bosses ashamed of their old school values. Nevertheless, regardless of every snub and every slight, as the years went by this was always the GOP’s most reliable vote.

Yet now that base is growing older and is being replaced by a more confrontational yet cynical generation. A generation that recoils at the mere mention of “the lesser of two evils.” A generation that wants a bigger fight than securing Republican majorities, who rarely deliver on their promises anyway. A generation that views fighting for the old alliances as akin to re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. A generation that isn’t even sure political activism makes a difference.

Several of the most podcasted evangelical preachers in America today abstain from political activism. They believe the antidote to avoid being taken advantage of by the political system (like they believe the previous generation was) is to simply preach the Gospel and let the chips fall come what may.

This is my generation.

We have been uncertain whether to build on the legacy of our forefathers, or to hit control-alt-delete. My generation is producing leaders on both sides who make a compelling case. However, the argument is fast becoming moot, for the final latch on the sexual revolution’s Pandora’s Box has been opened.

The mainstreaming of homosexuality, and the use of government coercion to make it so, provides the American Christian Church with its most ominous threat since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. This is an issue that makes all other issues secondary, even the life issue. For if we are not free to speak truth to power in this culture we are effectively as powerless as many of our brethren meeting in secret to avoid persecution elsewhere in the world.

True, Christ promised even the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. Not even the full power and might of the U.S. government can stand in the way of God’s grace. Just look at statist China, which has the second-fastest growing Christian population in the world. Furthermore, five of the top 10 fastest growing Christian populations in the world are in Muslim countries.

While that’s obviously good news for people’s souls, and empirical evidence Christ is true to his word, government and cultural oppression of Christianity in these countries means the benefits we have enjoyed due to our Christian heritage are still nowhere to be found in these nations. Unless you actually connected with Christians in these countries, you would see very little of the fruit Christianity produces in the culture it’s truly planted in—justice, rule of law, morality, liberty, meritocracy, mercy, etc.

In Christianity the “church” is not just an institution or a building. The “church” is wherever believers are—work, home, school, public functions, etc. A Christian believes he brings God’s Holy Spirit (church) with him wherever he goes, thus he must always have a ready testimony for the hope he has in Christ. A Christian is taught he is not allowed to refuse a public proclamation of his faith in Christ, for Christ did not deny us when he publicly submitted to a brutal beating and execution on our behalf. A Christian is taught if he denies Christ in any setting – even politics or a NFL team locker room – then Christ will deny him in turn on the Day of Judgment.

A Christian is allowed to assimilate into a culture, but he cannot affirm it. He is in the culture, but not of the culture. If those pushing the sexual revolution to its most dangerous conclusions persist on their current collision course with history, they will force the Christian Church to give up all of its other various pursuits in order to defend the very integrity of its existence—even to the point of civil disobedience as we have seen previously in church history.

Similarly, if the Republican Party persists on abandoning its base of social conservatives immersed in this fight, it is essentially self-immolating for it cannot make up the numbers lost here elsewhere. The so-called “Facebook generation” of youthful nihilists Rand Paul frequently trumpets still pales in comparison to the number of Christian voters. For example, Rick Santorum got twice as many primary votes as Ron Paul did in 2012, and Newt Gingrich got almost 750,000 more. It’s going to take several decades of breeding for the church of “bread-alone” patriots to overcome their current demographic deficit, and in case you hadn’t noticed the home-schoolers are having more kids than the “legalize it” (marijuana) crowd is anyway.

If Christians cannot count on their political allies to defend their freedoms, then they will not waste their time with politics. They won’t have the luxury of doing so. There’s a reason Christians in China and the Middle East aren’t concerned with political activism. They can’t afford to be. They’re still fighting to exist.

When the government comes knocking on your door demanding you sin on its behalf or be silenced, at that moment you’re not thinking about whether you think marriage should be defined at the state level, or via a federal marriage amendment, or if government should get out of marriage altogether (a frequent and current debate among Republicans). You’re thinking about survival.

Speaking of which, the Republican Party cannot survive the loss of these voters, whether it be from a voluntary or a forced exodus. It’s no coincidence a party built on Christian ethics is strongest where the Christian church is also strongest (Republicans are twice as likely to go to church regularly as Democrats).

From the beginning the statists have used the sexual revolution as a means to first destabilize Christian moral influence in the culture, and then once that destabilization takes root to then marginalize the Christian Church from public life altogether. For the Christian Church has always been the only real threat statism has. If the Republican Party will not defend its Christian base against the statists, then it will be one of the first casualties of statism.

Monday, February 10, 2014

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New World Order: Pedophilia in Hollywood Exposed

Hollywood Actors Exposed 1/15

Satanic Hollywood Part 1

Occult and Masonic "Hollywood" Secrets

Illuminati, Beyonce, satanic, occult, exposed, demonic activity

Musicians Speaking Against The Illuminati

Illuminati Sellouts Exposed - Open Your Eyes People !!

Illuminati Celebrities That Went Gay for Fame! 2013

Homosexual Agenda Destroying The Family Unit - Intro & Full Interview

95 % of Rappers Are Gay Claims Suge Knight


Katt Williams Exposes Jaime Foxx's Homosexuality!

Watch What Jamie Foxx Has To Say On Katt Williams

Illuminati Gay Agenda in Hip Hop

Russia cracks down on promotion of West's 'gay agenda' (11Jun13)

Gay Men Marry to Rape and Molest Their Adopted Sons

Virginia GOP Investigates TSA Gay Agenda

Virginia GOP Investigates TSA Gay Agenda

Henry Kissinger, Sarah Silverman, Gas and Jews

Henry Kissinger: Those Who Reject the New World Order are Terrorists

New Kissinger NWO : New World Order & Obama Worship

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Elitist Rove Suffers After Tea Party Jihad

Elitist Rove Suffers After Tea Party Jihad, Carl Rove was behind the extortion to shut down Gov. Wake up America in both parties, all of the snakes have false sites to collect money, make sure before you give who is really behind the person and groups collecting for pushing political agendas.

Elitist Rove Suffers After Tea Party Jihad

Photo credit: National Constitution Center (Creative Commons)

If you enjoy seeing an enemy’s nose rubbed in the dirt, you’ll love this story.

Remember all of Karl “Tokyo” Rove’s attacks and snide remarks about the TEA party movement? Remember how he worked so hard to defeat TEA party-backed candidates, belittling them at every opportunity? Well, all of that vitriol and bile has come back to bite Tokyo in the ass.

He collected a massive $325 million war chest in the lead-up to the 2012 elections, but misspent almost all of it. Rove was a man who we could trust; he was a guy who would use our money to fight and win the battle to regain the Senate and hold the House (or so we thought.) But he lied to us.

Instead, the loathsome snake took the money and declared an open war on the TEA party movement. His fake Conservative Victory Project wasted money encouraging Republican candidates to change their language and in effect lie to voters about whom they were and act like Democrats. All this quisling succeeded in doing was ensuring that Harry Reid still controlled the Senate and could continue choking the life out of conservative initiatives.

Fortunately as they say, that was then and this is now. Rove’s fake operation has been seen for what it is by donors across the country. In a year to year (2012 to 2013) comparison, his Crossroads groups have experienced a message-sending 98% decrease in donations. His take has fallen to just $6.1 million. Breitbart News reports, “Rove’s organization has been so tarnished among the conservative base that candidates fear donors will not contribute to any group associated with him.” But a warning is attached to this message: This snake slithers into other groups not carrying his name in order to fool donors about who they really are.

Remember, Karl Rove is a driving force behind amnesty for illegal aliens. He used to say he held this position because he believed illegals would become Republican voters. It is this kind of cynical, lying crap that makes Tokyo Rove so detestable. Find out who is behind any group you want to donate to because Rove might just be hiding in one of its darkest corners.

Photo credit: National Constitution Center (Creative Commons)


  1. Rove is a loser, an albatross around conservatives’ necks. His record is dismal but he comes on like he has all the answers. He doesn’t. He must be dumped right now if right of center interests are to make any headway against the criminals running the government.
    • I figured out years ago what a slime bag Karl Rove was and I donated accordingly by never giving anything he touched a dime. Too bad it took the media this long to acknowledge what I have known for years. Karl Rove thinking is what got Obama on the ballot and what has continued the decline in politics eversince. The don’t fight a battle when the odds are against you is destroying the G.O.P. and its Progressive roots are spreading throughout the entire party just like they did in the Democratic party and the will eventually both be no different from one another.
    • exactly
    • The RINO’S number 1 kingmaker !!!
      • ” Just as GW’ , and o ‘ vomit ‘. You are a fool , if you believe that GW ‘, is anything like o ‘ vomit ‘. Only one ‘ is a ” Communist ” , and it sure is not “G.W. Bush ‘ .
  2. Time to take out the garbage. All of them.
  3. I figured out years ago what a slime bag Karl Rove was and I donated accordingly by never giving anything he touched a dime. Too bad it took the media this long to acknowledge what I have known for years. Karl Rove thinking is what got Obama on the ballot and what has continued the decline in politics eversince. The don’t fight a battle when the odds are against you is destroying the G.O.P. and its Progressive roots are spreading throughout the entire party just like they did in the Democratic party and the will eventually both be no different from one another.
  4. Karl Rove should be brought up on charges of treason and sedition and then punished accordingly. ANYONE that would DELIBERATELY harm America should NEVER be allowed to have any power or even rights! Far too many criminals are destroying everything countless generations of American Son’s blood sweat and sometimes their very lives, the only reason they are getting away with it for now is …….MONEY you see money can buy your way out of almost anything BUT The day will come when NOBODY can escape and ALL of these criminals will be sentenced and their punishment will be carried out for all eternity.
  5. The Irish slogan in support of the rebellions for Irish independence was “Up the rebels.” I would like to use a similar slogan, but with an American twist, using the slang meaning of “up”: UP THE KARL ROVES!
  6. Would have probably made too much sense to supply a list of known Rove conservative donation scams.
    It may just be the reason the liberals are beating the snot out of us. We keep donating to their cause.
    Then you have a person that writes articles, assumed to have researched the topic to be able to make accusations, which probably are true (Carl Rove was the progressive mastermind behind Bush II) but doesn’t supply the most important information that could sever the cash flow, but that would make too much sense.
  7. Karl Rove belongs to the Biggest Losers Club.He backs candidates that say they are Republican when in reality they are a RINO. Rove now comes against The Tea Party , because it is the voice of the people with any common sense and brains. Rove believes he wins either way , get a RINO on the ticket running against a Demoncrap , he doesn’t care which one wins because he is pro big government and anti We The People.. Go away Rove with all your B.S., we are wise to your deception. Did you learn your deception from the one you claim your against , Obama?Your deception has been revealed Rove. Divide the Republican Party by running down The Tea Party , what a Loser.
  8. So who are the other groups associated with Rove so we will know who not to donate through?
  9. I can’t stand any of them anymore. I’m from MA where I suffered through many years if having NO representation. Now in Alabama I at least have Jeff Sessions who did the right thing on that silly Amnesty idea. However, my congressman Mike Rogers AL R lied right to my face in a phone call town hall meeting. I asked him why this country would ever think of adding another special interest group when only 49.1% of the adult population has a full time job and how this would affect the already disinfranchised white population? He didn’t know what to say and had the audacity to tell ME about liberals even after I told him from where I came. THEN he said we would never see an immigration bill by this congress but what did I read a few days later??? Ha, you guessed it! Anyone in the 3rd district of Alabama, Mike Rogers is a snake!!!
  10. I’d love to find out who’s behind groups I donate to – just how do I go about that? It’d be nice if you told us how.
  11. I no longer support groups or pacs. I will only donate directly to the canidate of my choosing. My money, my way
  12. Like Sam Cooke’s song “A Change is Gonna Come”, I think I understand better what the civil rights activists from the 1960′s felt like. A party you believed in all your life has shown itself to be so corrupted and so distant from it’s voter base that it either has to be changed or replaced by a new party. The GOP has been infiltrated by liberal minded plants who have helped turn this country into a shambles of its former self. The DOC has suffered the same invasion from many more Communists. Someone once said that the difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party was only the speed with which they want socialization. Something like that sentence anyway. But it is now apparent that “we the people” are in real deep manure and the methane is making oxygen very scarce. If we don’t get change the whole country will look like Detroit. Only, unlike the people who left Detroit for other cities, people will be moving to more Democratic countries.
  13. I believe that we Rove to thank for Harry Reid as senate majority leader.
    My advice is to directly donate to candidates you like and ignore the organizations that “distribute” money to “worthwhile” candidates.
    I believe that the voters should select the candidates and not any group who claims to “represent’ the voters.
  14. I have always hated this guy ever since he insinuated in a poll in the 2000 SC primary that,”McCane had a daughter of color.” It was an Indonesian girl that they had adopted, but nobody knew the truth until after the election.
    Then the way he swift-boated Kerry in ’04 made me ashamed of the whole election process. His kind of person leaves a smell that pervades the entire party that is made of honest Americans.
  15. How dare you insult poor snakes by comparing them to Rove! May he be driven to bankruptcy!
  16. It could be worse ; he could have compared the ” snake ‘ who occupys ( 1600 ‘W . Pennysylvania , Ave . )
  17. I was appreciative when Rove helped to expose the quisling john kerry for the fake and coward that HE was in the ’04 election campaign (although many of us knew about kerry before the swift-boat evidence) – he, Rove, in effect, helped give us a four year reprieve from what eventually happened since ’08.
    Just as baffling as the recent actions of the jello-spined speaker of the house, are the vicious, malicious, anti-American activities of Rove.
  18. Do not think GW Bush did not know exactly who and what Karl is all about.
    Both work for globalism
  19. I seem to remember Rove’s group dumping a lot of dollar’s into the Tea Party guy from MO. Senate run as well as Murdock’s here in IN. Both of these guy’s should have listened to someone telling them to tone down their stupid statements on abortion (and statement’s about RAPE being God’s will)!! It was their stupid big mouth’s that gave the Democrat’s those two Senate seats!!
  20. Rove reminds me of Jabba the Hutt, all fat and swollen…Semper Fi

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Fortunately as they say, that was then and this is now. Rove’s fake operation has been seen for what it is by donors across the country. In a year to year (2012 to 2013) comparison, his Crossroads groups have experienced a message-sending 98% decrease in donations. His take has fallen to just $6.1 million. Breitbart News reports, “Rove’s organization has been so tarnished among the conservative base that candidates fear donors will not contribute to any group associated with him.” But a warning is attached to this message: This snake slithers into other groups not carrying his name in order to fool donors about who they really are.

Remember, Karl Rove is a driving force behind amnesty for illegal aliens. He used to say he held this position because he believed illegals would become Republican voters. It is this kind of cynical, lying crap that makes Tokyo Rove so detestable. Find out who is behind any group you want to donate to because Rove might just be hiding in one of its darkest corners.

Fortunately as they say, that was then and this is now. Rove’s fake operation has been seen for what it is by donors across the country. In a year to year (2012 to 2013) comparison, his Crossroads groups have experienced a message-sending 98% decrease in donations. His take has fallen to just $6.1 million. Breitbart News reports, “Rove’s organization has been so tarnished among the conservative base that candidates fear donors will not contribute to any group associated with him.” But a warning is attached to this message: This snake slithers into other groups not carrying his name in order to fool donors about who they really are.

Remember, Karl Rove is a driving force behind amnesty for illegal aliens. He used to say he held this position because he believed illegals would become Republican voters. It is this kind of cynical, lying crap that makes Tokyo Rove so detestable. Find out who is behind any group you want to donate to because Rove might just be hiding in one of its darkest corners.

Instead, the loathsome snake took the money and declared an open war on the TEA party movement. His fake Conservative Victory Project wasted money encouraging Republican candidates to change their language and in effect lie to voters about whom they were and act like Democrats. All this quisling succeeded in doing was ensuring that Harry Reid still controlled the Senate and could continue choking the life out of conservative initiatives.
Instead, the loathsome snake took the money and declared an open war on the TEA party movement. His fake Conservative Victory Project wasted money encouraging Republican candidates to change their language and in effect lie to voters about whom they were and act like Democrats. All this quisling succeeded in doing was ensuring that Harry Reid still controlled the Senate and could continue choking the life out of conservative initiatives.