Thursday, April 11, 2013

The National Memo » WATCH: Top Republican Slams Obama’s ‘Shocking Attack On Seniors’

The National Memo » WATCH: Top Republican Slams Obama’s ‘Shocking Attack On Seniors’Representative Greg Walden (R-OR), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, revealed the GOP’s latest messaging plan Wednesday when he blasted President Barack Obama’s new budget proposal as “a shocking attack on seniors.”
Walden made his accusation during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.
“I’ll tell you, when you’re going after seniors the way he’s already done on Obamacare, taken $700 billion out of Medicare to put into Obamacare and now coming back at seniors again, I think you’re crossing that line very quickly here in terms of denying access to seniors for health care in districts like mine certainly and around the country,” Walden said.

The National Memo » Boehner Rejects Obama’s Offer To Cut Social Security

The National Memo » Boehner Rejects Obama’s Offer To Cut Social SecurityHouse Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) preemptively rejected President Barack Obama’s upcoming budget proposal Friday, slamming the president’s offer to cut Social Security as “only modest entitlement savings.”
President Obama’s budget plan, which he will send to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, will reportedly seek $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction through a combination of new revenues and spending cuts. The most controversial cut is the move to the chained consumer price index (“chained CPI”) for Social Security, which would significantly reduce annual cost-of-living adjustments for Social Security beneficiaries. President Obama has long suggested that he could support the measure, which would cut federal spending by about $130 billion over the next decade, only if Republicans agree to raise new tax revenues.

The National Memo » Putin Thanks Romney For Reckless Remarks

The National Memo » Putin Thanks Romney For Reckless Remarks

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The National Memo » NRA Targeting Pro-Gun Control Senators In 2014

The National Memo » NRA Targeting Pro-Gun Control Senators In 2014

Roll Call reported Wednesday morning that the National Rifle Association will be targeting mostly Democratic senators running for re-election in 2014 with a print advertising campaign.
The campaign will cost more than $375,000 and feature full-page ads in local newspapers and regional editions of USA Today, along with supplemental digital advertising. The NRA hopes to reverse its dismal election results of 2012, when the group received less than one percent return on investment out of more than $10.5 million spent.
The ads will appear in 15 states. Incumbent Democratic senators to be singled out by the campaign include Mark Pryor of Arkansas, rated a C- by the NRA, Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana with a C and Kay Hagan of North Carolina, who gets an F. Maine, where GOP senator Susan Collins is up for re-election, will also be targeted, as she earned a C+ grade. The ads will also run in West Virginia, where Sen. Jay Rockefeller is retiring.
Pryor, Landrieu, Hagan and other potentially vulnerable Senate Democrats have already been taking a cautious approach on articulating whether they support President Obama’s gun safety measures.
However, in the aftermath of the Newtown mass shooting and President Obama’s call for common-sense gun laws — all of which the majority of  Americans support — groups such as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (backed by NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg), and Tuscon shooting survivor Gabrielle Giffords’ new SuperPAC Americans for Responsible Solutions, plan to challenge the NRA in 2014.
Giffords’ group aims to raise $20 million by the midterm elections. And Bloomberg’s own SuperPAC, Independence USA, has spent $2.1 million running attack ads in Illinois against NRA A+ rated Debbie Halvorson, who is a candidate in a special election for ex-Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s seat in Congress. Independence USA is also supporting Robin Kelly, who is devoting her campaign to fighting gun violence.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ryan's Budget: Confronting the Nation's Government Spending Crisis

Ryan's Budget: Confronting the Nation's Government Spending Crisis
Toward that goal, House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R–WI) has released a proposed federal budget resolution for fiscal year (FY) 2013 entitled The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal. The plan lays out a comprehensive series of solutions to fix the nation’s twin crises of spending and debt. It rolls back the spending excesses of the past, tackles entitlement programs, makes defense a priority, and undertakes an important growth agenda to unleash America’s free enterprise system and get Americans back to work. This budget is not perfect; few consensus political documents can be. It should be bolder in implementing its entitlement reforms. It should strive for more aggressive spending reductions. It is slow to reach balance, largely the consequence of avoiding changes in Social Security and slowly phasing in health entitlement reforms. Still, this plan, like that passed by the House last year, substantially advances the serious and necessary conversation about securing America’s future and its legacy of freedom, opportunity, and self government.

RYAN lies about Social Security being a debt, it is not suppose to be in the general fund,it is paid for by employees and employers not the gov. Ask yourself why Ryan and Rep would lie about SS and MC!,